Is your software architecture aligned with your business challenges?

Is your software architecture aligned with your business challenges?
Photo by Christopher Gower / Unsplash

Software development involves taking some part of the real world — a business process, for example — and turning it into code, using different programing languages and technologies. Too often, developers focus mainly on the technology and tools they’re using, while considering business-related challenges an inconvenience and someone else’s problem. However, software can’t help businesses succeed without actually solving real problems. Building great technological demos won’t get you far.  

That’s why keeping developers aligned with the business challenges is critical for a company’s success.  One useful approach to solving the alignment issue is Domain-Driven Design (aka DDD). We’re all familiar with the “bibles” of DDD — the “blue” and “red” books.

But there’s another book that belongs in the DDD hall of fame: “Learning Domain-Driven Design: Aligning Software Architecture and Business Strategy,” by Vladik Khononov. I finished reading it last week, and it’s an excellent DDD guide that every tech leader should read. This practical book provides a set of core patterns, principles and practices for analyzing business domains, understanding business strategy and, most importantly, aligning software design with business needs. Enjoy your reading, and always remember to keep your software architecture aligned with its business needs.